Sarah Ferranto & Christopher Brennick

Sarah & Christopher

November 7, 2009

Sarah Ferranto & Christopher Brennick

Sarah & Christopher

November 7, 2009

Hello Everyone!

Welcome to our honeymoon registry! Our big day approaches and we're excited and looking forward to seeing you in November!

We know that this isn't your ordinary wedding registry. But as our living situation isn't that ordinary either...we live in a fully furnished rented apartment in the Bahamas and know we'll be moving back to the states within the year so we really don't want or need any "things", just means more to pack and ship. And both of us have been living on our own for quite some time now and we realized that there isn't too much that we'll be needing as far as household items go. So, where were we to register for the wedding? That was the ultimate question. We both wanted something that was uniquely us; something that reflected who we are and what we love to do. So we decided what better way to start our new adventure as husband and wife than to realize our dream honeymoon? We know that this trip will not only celebrate the start of our new life together, but will create life-long memories as well. We can't wait to see all the historical and romantic sites throughout Spain. So we are so grateful that you all can help make the dream into reality. We have tons of amazing things planned for our two week trip and we will definitely share lots of pics with all of you when we get back!

With lots of love and gratitude,

Sarah & Christopher

We're going to Spain!

He said "Chile"...she said "African Safari" they compromised...Spain.

When we were deciding on a location for our honeymoon we wanted to make sure we picked somewhere neither of us had been before so that we could have the pleasure of experiencing a new place together. This eliminated many noteworthy sites in the US and Caribbean as well as Thailand, India, and several major cities in Europe. The one place neither of us has been to (and is at the top of both of our lists of places we want to visit) is Spain.

We plan to fly into Madrid and stay there for four nights. This should give us plenty of time to see all the incredible architecture, head to the Prada for our fill of amazing art and explore the rest of the city. We will then travel to Valencia, famous for it's paella, and spend a relaxing three days there. Next we will ferry over to Morocco, where Sarah is dying to get to the famed spice markets. We are trying to make it up north to Bilbao to check out some famous architecture and make it to the Guggenheim Museum before heading to Barcelona where we will spend our last four days before flying back to the Bahamas.

We can't imagine a better way to spend our first couple of weeks as newlyweds!

Our Registry

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Pack your bags! - The old suitcases in our closet are falling apart. Help us travel in style with new matching luggage.
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Guidebooks, guidebooks, guidebooks...Sarah loves guidebooks!
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Up, up and away! - Please help us fly, fly away from Nassau, Bahamas to Madrid, Spain (and get back home, of course)
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Roundtrip transfers from the airport to the hotel and back
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Our home away from home...The Ritz in Madrid. We figure we should start our marriage off on the right foot, in the lap of luxury...what a treat!!
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Jetlag Recovery - Aromatherapy massages will help melt all our stress and fatigue away and get us ready for the adventures that lie before us!
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Bubbles anyone? - We're headed to Spain to celebrate our marriage, and it's not a celebration without a bottle (or two) of Champagne - well,maybe Cava
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Breakfast in Bed - We'd like to start our first day of our honeymoon with a leisurely breakfast in bed before we head out for a full day of adventure!
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Wine Tasting - Spain is known for it's fantastic Rioja's and sherries so it only seems fitting that we should go on a winery tour on our honeymoon!
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A one way flight from Madrid to Valencia is the next step in our journey
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Souvenirs to take back home as a remembrance of our trip
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Although we hate playing tourists, that is exactly what we will a flamenco show and a bullfight are both on the agenda
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Croquettes, olives, chorizo, garlic,olive oil, ham...oh my! We will be sampling as many tapas around Spain as we can!
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Day trips & guided many to choose from...Toledo, Alahambra, Cordobo
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