Maureen Berumen & Chris Timme

Maureen & Chris

November 8, 2008

Maureen Berumen & Chris Timme

Maureen & Chris

November 8, 2008

Hello Everyone!
We are so excited to share with all of you the plans for our Honeymoon! It took a lot of time to decide what this trip would look like and we are so exicted that we will have the opportunity to go to Ireland!

We realize that registering for our Honeymoon is a new concept but since we are combining two households with this union we did not feel the need to register for things we already own. Please know that your presence at our wedding is gift enough and but if you feel inclined to purchuse a gift please consider doing so through this site.

Chris and I are so excited to start this new chaper in our lifes and we are excited that you all are going to be there with use when we start on our journey!!

We're going to Ireland!

We will depart from Denver on November 10, 2008 and we will fly to Dublin, Ireland.

The first two nights of our trip will be spent in Dublin at the Trinity Capital Hotel. We will have the opportunity to tour Dublin on our own with the hopes of being able to see the Guinness Brewery while we are there.

Our Thrid night in Ireland will be spent in Waterford, Ireland. There we will have the opportunity to tour the Waterford Mansion as well as the factory.

The Fourth and Fifth nights in Ireland will be in Cork. We will have time to see the many castles in the area as well as the Ring of Kerry.

Our final two nights will be spent in Shannon at a Beautiful Castle called the Dromoland Castle.

We will then depart from Shannon and return to Denver.

Our Registry

  • $0-$50
  • $50-$100
  • $100+
  • All
Airfare to Dublin
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Rental Car for 9 days to sport around Ireland.
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2 nights in Dublin - need to get over that jetlag!
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Lunch at an authentic Irish Pub!
Gift Fulfilled
Dinner for two in Dublin - help us enjoy our first date as a married couple!
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One night stay at the Tower Hotel in Waterford.
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Tour of the Waterford Mansion
Gift Fulfilled
Tour of Waterford Factory
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2 nights in Cork at the Isaac's Hotel
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Walking tour of Cork.
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Dinner for two to mark our half way point of our journey!
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Two nights in Shannon at the Dumborand Castle - our final two nights before heading home.
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Round of golf at on the Castle's course.
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Romantic dinner for two on our final night in Ireland.
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Airfare for two from Shannon, Ireland to Denver - Thanks for the memories!
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